Say Hello to Leyla Coffee
Difficult to maintain your supplements routine? Too many products to be consumed at once? Keep missing your vitamins due to morning rush? Need coffee to stay energized, but typical coffee contains too much sugar, cream and fat? Feeling fatigue, exhausted, cranky and demotivated? Plus, extreme pain during menstrual cycle? You need a re-boost. Get all with 1 sip, of Leyla Coffee.
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A little about Leyla Coffee's background
Leyla Coffee is owned by EGM Holdings Sdn Bhd under the brand ‘Lylaa & Majnoon’. EGM Holdings is established in 2022 with a mission to improve the state of Bumiputera economy by providing a platform that ease and encourage more people to do business. The brand ‘Lylaa & Majnoon’ is introduced based on market demand on products that combined local herbs, in-trends ingredients and sunnah food that can fit into modern lifestyle, and produced through quality manufacturing practiced, safe, secured, verified, halal and passed through all test set by government. We are proud to announce that we have prepared one for you, exactly like what you have been wishing for. Enjoy